Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Gout Versus Exercise

It's been a while since I had another Gout attack, but when I did it sent me into a downward spiral of low blood circulation due to lack of exercise which further aggravates and extends the attack.

I was beside myself about what to do to get my blood circulating faster so the Uric Acid crystals would erode from my joints faster.

But I think I may have found a new way to mitigate the attacks or even help prevent future attacks.

The Desk Cycle (Chair not included of course)

because Uric Acid tends to accumulate more rapidly when blood circulation is slow, I bought a Desk Cycle at Amazon.com and it really works great, especially if I can't stand up to walk if I'm in pain.

It's very sturdy and get's my blood circulating faster in just a few minutes. So far I think it helped prevent a couple of attacks for me. It's perfect for my little apartment.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Status update and Chicken Soup

I had to change my strategy from posting updates on Google+ to posting them here, because the order in which events occur is very important when collecting data. I moved a punch of G+ posts into "Collections" which changed the date of the posts, ruining the chronology.


I just went through a five week period of Gout from late August through September. I had forgotten that I changed my diet. I added Kidney Beans as a regular part of my diet throughout the whole ordeal.

After I stopped eating Kidney Beans, switched to Chicken Soup, Pedialyte and vegetables, increased my water intake of water to 3 liters per day and staying in bed, the gout subsided. I had to balance my PH with extra Sodium and Potassium.

Other "white" beans are okay in moderation. Look for the mineral content on the food label.

Always have a couple of cans of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup on hand. The best is the "Home Style" with the smaller noodles.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Now more people will die.

This is off topic, but the situation is critical. We can't afford to let pharmaceutical companies get away with their prices anymore.

Too many people have been bankrupted and dumped permanently into poverty by outrageous health care costs, and too many people choose suicide rather than cause their families to suffer. Is this the final straw?

How much more suffering will it take before people finally pick up their torches and pitchforks?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pain Observation (x-post from G+)

Left leg:
Areas described exhibited generalized swelling.

My pain over the last weeks migrated after my knee slowly regained mobility, to the areas occupied by the Plantar Fascia, Anterior and Posterior Tibial Tendon and the Sesamoid Bone or #1 Metatarsus.

Anterior Tibial Tendon:
Pain upon flexing, swelling around the Extensor Reticulum and tendons.
After spending days in bed and using a crutch, pain in this area on my foot intensified when raising my foot off the bed or the floor. Raising my foot caused this muscle to tense, aggravating the pain.

Plantar Fascia:
Gout pain + spasms + cramps.
This pain manifested mostly at night, and cramps in this muscle accompanied the gout pain. As I fell asleep this muscle would spasm and the pain would wake me up. It felt better when I stood on soft carpet which allowed the muscle to relax.

Sesamoid Bone:
The pain manifests almost directly in the area described by this diagram, at the joint of #1 Metatarsus (shown in diagram as adjacent to the Sesamoid Bone.)

Pain description:
The pain is a deep stinging sensation (as intense as a Bee sting) like grains of sand between the bone and tendons, at each end of the identified muscles.

I noticed a generalized pain at first, but as I recovery progressed I also noticed a difference between the pain at one end of the Plantar Fascia and the other end, as if the so-called sand grains under the tendon at the Heel bone dissipated faster, however, this might be a false perception as the gout remaining in the #1 Metatarsal was still intense.

Pain Maintenance:
I took 800 milligrams Ibuprofen every 8 hours. I was lucky not to have stomach bleeding. This stuff needs to be taken with food. The pain did not completely go away, it only enabled me to hobble to the kitchen and bathroom and immediately back to bed.

Recovery Maintenance:
I drank 3 liters of water per day and increased elimination rate with coffee. See: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17530681

When I worked at a Home Improvement warehouse, I would sweat profusely, after which I noticed deposits of salts on my black T-shirt when the sweat dried. From this I assumed that uric acid could be eliminated through sweat, but unfortunately this report contradicts my theory: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12817713

Update on 10/27/2018: Heating Pad Application Results. (Personal Results only)
If I start to experience pain in a joint, I would apply a heating pad set to high on the area at night. The heat seems to reduce the effects of Gout, theoretically making Uric Acid more soluble and seemingly helps reduce the buildup on the joint. I also have Psoriasis, so there's a chance what I actually have may be Psoriatic Arthritis. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Where have I been posting before here.

I have been posting for quite a while at my Google+ page. Here is the link.

I will begin posting here and providing links to this blog at my G+ page in the future.